Sobre o texto acima, marque A se a informação for verdadeira; B se for falsa; ou C caso não tenha sido mencionado no texto.
Example: Australia has a lot of dangerous animals and insects. ( X ) A ( ) B ( ) C
1 Sheila is most frightened of insects. ( ) A ( ) B ( ) C
2 The most poisonous snake in Australia is the King Brown. ( ) A ( ) B ( ) C
3 The King Brown is very rare. ( ) A ( ) B ( ) C
4 If a snake bit Sheila, she’d suck the poison out. ( ) A ( ) B ( ) C
5 If a snake bit Sheila’s leg, she’d tie something round it. ( ) A ( ) B ( ) C
6 If a snake bit Sheila’s leg, she’d probably die. ( ) A ( ) B ( ) C
7 Sheila’s favourite animal is the koala. ( ) A ( ) B ( ) C
8 Koalas are very friendly animals. ( ) A ( ) B ( ) C
9 If Sheila could be an animal, she’d be a koala. ( ) A ( ) B ( ) C
10 The female Cairns Birdwing is bigger than the male. ( ) A ( ) B ( ) C
1. ( ) (X) ( )
2. (X) ( ) ( )
3. ( ) (X) ( )
4. (X) ( ) ( )
5. (X) ( ) ( )
6. ( ) ( ) (X)
7. (X) ( ) ( )
8. (X) ( ) ( )
9. ( ) (X) ( )
10. (X) ( ) ( )
Explicação: espero muito ter ajudado, pesquisei muito para essa resposta!!
1 Sheila is most frightened of insects. ( ) A (X) B ( ) C - É falsa, pois o maior medo da Sheila são as cobras (snakes) e não os insetos (insects).
2 The most poisonous snake in Australia is the King Brown. (X) A ( ) B ( ) C - É verdadeira, a cobra King Brown é a mais venenosa da Austrália.
3 The King Brown is very rare. ( ) A (X) B ( ) C - É falso, pois ela diz que a cobra King Brown é comum (which is common) e não muito rara (very rare).
4 If a snake bit Sheila, she’d suck the poison out. ( ) A (X) B ( ) C É falsa, pois se uma cobra picasse Sheila ela não iria sugar o veneno para fora.
5 If a snake bit Sheila’s leg, she’d tie something round it. (X) A ( ) B ( ) C - É verdadeira, se uma cobra picasse a perna de Sheila, ela amarraria algo em volta.
6 If a snake bit Sheila’s leg, she’d probably die. ( ) A ( ) B (X) C - O texto não fala nada sobre ela provavelmente morrer se for picada.
7 Sheila’s favourite animal is the koala. (X) A ( ) B ( ) C É verdadeira, o animal favorito da Sheila é o koala.
8 Koalas are very friendly animals. ( ) A ( ) B (X) C - O texto não fala nada sobre os Koalas serem animais muito amigáveis. Diz apenas que eles não são muito ativos, pois se movem apenas duas horas por dia e o resto passam comendo e dormindi.
9 If Sheila could be an animal, she’d be a koala. ( ) A (X) B ( ) C - É falso, pois se Sheila fosse um animal, ela seria uma Cairns Birdwing, que é a maior borboleta da Austrália.
10 The female Cairns Birdwing is bigger than the male. (X) A ( ) B ( ) C. - É verdadeiro, pois ela diz que a Birdwing fêmea é aproximadamente 7 centímetros maior que o macho.
Nas próximas, tente colocar o texto junto com as perguntas, assim a chance de ter a resposta mais rápido aumenta!! Para resolver este exercício, procurei o texto e coloquei aqui abaixo ;-)
ATIVIDADES My native animals
This week in Nature Weekly, one reader from Australia, Sheila Douglas, answers our questions about the animals in her country.
What’s the most dangerous animal in your country?
In the UK, people often ask me this question. It’s difficult to say which is the most dangerous animal. In Australia, we have a lot of dangerous animals and insects. There are snakes, crocodiles, spiders, sharks, jellyfish, and so on. You have to remember that animals can sometimes become aggressive if they get scared. So if you treat wild animals with respect, you should stay safe.
Are you afraid of any animals or insects?
I’m actually terrified of snakes! As a child, I lived in Northern Australia with my parents. In my opinion, the most dangerous snake there is the King Brown, which is common. It can be three metres long and is very poisonous.
So, what would you do if a poisonous snake like that bit you on the leg?
If I got bitten, I wouldn’t wash the bite or suck the poison out. I’d tie something round my leg and keep completely still. It’s important not to move if you’ve been bitten. Then I’d call for help as quickly as possible.
What’s your favourite animal?
I think it would be the koala, Australia’s most popular animal. Koalas have a soft, grey coat and people think they look very cute. They are not very active animals — they only move around for about two hours a day. And they eat and sleep the rest of the time.
If you could be an animal, which one would it be?
That’s easy. It’s not exactly an animal, but I’d be a Cairns Birdwing. It’s Australia’s biggest butterfly. It lives in the rainforest and flies high up in the tops of the trees. It’s a beautiful green and gold colour. And if I were a female Birdwing, I’d be 20 centimetres wide — that’s about 7 centimetres wider than the male
Espero ter ajudado!