A lot of people like to do cake, and cookies, but a day, Two girls were doing a delicious cake, for their pijamas party.
But , one girl say's
- I have one ideia! If we do cake without flour??
And the girls ,were thinking if that was possible,
Noo!! We can't do that, If we don't use flour, we'll do not a cake, and we'll have a lot of dishes for cleañ after!
And that girl who say's that she can make a cake without flour , was very angry, and nervous,
After that , when anyone were seening,or looking for a cake, that girl put a salt on the cake!
So , Wen all the people in the party were eating a delicious cake, They did'nt could stay eating, cause the cake , was very bad!!
And anyone knows, what the cake don't stay decious like the start!
just the bad girl know's!
texto de um livro de inglês iniciante, é repetido a palavra do várias vezes no texto.....Com significados diferentes