alguem pode traduzir esse texto para o inglês?
A festa tem características diferentes em cada região da Espanha. Em Soria, as Festas
de San Juan o de la Madre de Dios, declaradas de interesse turístico nacional pelo
governo espanhol, duram seis dias, além das pré-festividades. Cada dia de festa tem
uma programação específica, alguns deles mantêm a mesma programação há mais de
500 anos. A sexta-feira, por exemplo, é dia de touradas. Tudo é preparado por doze
grupos chamados de quadrilhas, cada um com um santo padroeiro. No sábado, as
partes dos novilhos que foram toureados são repartidas pelos bairros da cidade. A
grande procissão com os santos padroeiros das quadrilhas é na segunda-feira. Durante
o trajeto, as músicas típicas da festa, as sanjuaneras, são trocadas por música sacra,
mas assim que os músicos passam pela última imagem, a da Virgen Blanca, voltam a
tocar as sanjuaneras.
As Festas Juninas são comemorações que acontecem no mês de junho no Brasil. Os
três santos populares lembrados são: Santo Antônio, São Pedro e São João.
Tradicionalmente, as festas juninas começam no dia 12 de junho, véspera do dia de
Santo Antônio e encerram no dia 29 de junho, dia de São Pedro. Já nos dias 23 e 24 é
celebrado o dia de São João.
Muitas tradições que acompanham essa comemoração representam os
principais símbolos das festas juninas que incluem: as comidas, as danças típicas, os
balões, a fogueira, as brincadeiras e as roupas.
No Brasil, a noite de São João mais famosa acontece na região nordeste do país, na
cidade de Campina Grande, no estado da Paraíba. Esta é considerada a maior festa de
São João do mundo.
No entanto, outras cidades nordestinas se destacam: Caruaru, em Pernambuco; São
Luís, no Maranhão; Mossoró, no Rio Grande do Norte; e Teresina, no Piauí.
oi!, a tradução do texto:
The festival has different characteristics in each region of Spain. In Soria, like Fiestas
of San Juan or de la Madre de Dios, declared of national tourist interest by the
Spanish government, last six days, in addition to pre-festivities. Every feast day has
specific schedule, some of them have maintained the same schedule for more than
500 years. Friday, for example, is bullfighting day. Everything is prepared by twelve
groups called quadrilles, each with a patron saint. On Saturday, as
parts of the bulls that were bullfighted are divided into the city's neighborhoods. AN
great procession with the patron saints of the gangs is on Monday. During
the route, like typical songs of the party, like sanjuaneras, are exchanged for sacred music,
but as soon as the musicians go through the last image, that of Virgen Blanca, they return to
play like sanjuaneras.
The Festa Juninas are celebrations that take place in the month of June in Brazil. The
three popular saints remembered are: Santo Antônio, São Pedro and São João.
Traditionally, the June festivities begin on June 12, the day before
Santo Antônio and close on June 29, St. Peter's Day. On the 23rd and 24th,
celebrated St. John's Day.
Many traditions that accompany this celebration represent the
main symbols of the June festivals that include: food, typical dances,
balloons, the bonfire, the games and the clothes.
In Brazil, the most famous São João night takes place in the northeast of the country, in
Campina Grande, in the state of Paraíba. This is considered the biggest party of
Saint John of the world.
However, other northeastern cities stand out: Caruaru, in Pernambuco; Are
Luís, in Maranhão; Mossoró, in Rio Grande do Norte; and Teresina, in Piauí.
espero ter ajudado :)
Olá, a tradução está logo abaixo. Boa sorte e bons estudos!
The festival has different characteristics in each region of Spain. In Soria, the Festivals
of San Juan or de la Madre de Dios, declared of national tourist interest by the
Spanish government, last six days, in addition to pre-festivities. Every feast day has
specific schedule, some of them have maintained the same schedule for more than
500 years. Friday, for example, is bullfighting day. Everything is prepared by twelve
groups called quadrilles, each with a patron saint. On Saturday,
parts of the bulls that were bullfighted are divided into the city's neighborhoods. THE
great procession with the patron saints of the gangs is on Monday. During
the route, the typical songs of the party, the sanjuaneras, are exchanged for sacred music,
but as soon as the musicians go through the last image, that of Virgen Blanca, they return to
touch the sanjuaneras.
The Festa Juninas are celebrations that take place in the month of June in Brazil. The
three popular saints remembered are: Santo Antônio, São Pedro and São João.
Traditionally, the June festivities begin on June 12, the day before
Santo Antônio and close on June 29, St. Peter's Day. On the 23rd and 24th,
celebrated St. John's Day.
Many traditions that accompany this celebration represent the
main symbols of the June festivals that include: food, typical dances,
balloons, the bonfire, the games and the clothes.
In Brazil, the most famous São João night takes place in the northeast of the country, in
Campina Grande, in the state of Paraíba. This is considered the biggest party of
Saint John of the world.
However, other northeastern cities stand out: Caruaru, in Pernambuco; Are
Luís, in Maranhão; Mossoró, in Rio Grande do Norte; and Teresina, in Piauí.