Relacione as colunas com as definições das ações. 1. Prevention: ( ) Actions taken in order to predict prevent or prepare the community; 2. Mitigation: ( ) Actions taken in order to capacitate human resources; 3. Preparation: ( ) Actions taken in order to help the community after specific events. 4. Response: ( ) Actions taken in response of unpredicted, or predicted, events; 5. Recovery: ( ) Actions taken in order to minimize the damages during specific events; Me ajudem por favor (edit é ingles)
1. Prevention:
2. Mitigation:
3. Preparation:
4. Response:
5. Recovery:
( 1 ) Actions taken in order to predict prevent or prepare the community;
(3) Actions taken in order to capacitate human resources;
(5) Actions taken in order to help the community after specific events.
(4) Actions taken in response of unpredicted, or predicted, events;
(2) Actions taken in order to minimize the damages during specific events;
As palavras em negrito são palavras chaves para você fazer a relação entre o topico e sua respectiva resposta. Como exemplo a palavra "Mitigation" significa enfraquecer, atenuar e a resposta que contem a palavra "minimize" significa minimizar. Assim você apenas relaciona os significados.
É uma boa estratégia para resolver esse tipo de questão.