coloquem essa parte da letra dessa musica em ingles pfv .................................................................................................................................................................................... a perrgunta e coloque em ingles a sua musia preferida ta ai ...................................................................................... Conheço um cara que é da noite, da madrugada Que curte várias fitas, várias baladas Ele gosta de viver, (e viajar) Sem medo de morrer, sem medo de arriscar Não atira no escuro, um cara ligeiro Faz um corre aqui ali sempre atrás de dinheiro Ah jogar pra perder parceiro, não é comigo ó Esse cara é bandido, aham, objetivo Um bom malandro, conquistador Tem naipe de artista, pique de jogador Impressiona no estilo de patife Roupa de shop, artigo de grife Sempre na estica, cabelo escovinha Montado numa novecentas azul novinha Anel de ouro combinando com as correntes Relógio caro, é claro, de marca quente Anda só no sossego, sem muita pressa Relaxa a mente, se não estressa No momento que interessa, ele já tem (Uma Kawasaki?) e liberdade meu bem O que esse cara tem sangue bom? Os invejoso eu escuto Moto dinheiro, vagabundo fica puto (Ah isso não é justo ó, e os irmão?) Uma fatia do bolo? se orienta doidão Conhece várias gatas tipos diferentes As pretas, as brancas, as frias, as quentes Loira tíngida, preta sensual Índia do Amazonas até flor oriental Tem boa fama, no meio das vadias Daquelas modelo que descansa durante o dia, tá ligado? Tem seus critérios, tem sua lei Montou naquela garupa já foi que eu sei
I know a guy who is from the night, from dawn Who likes several tapes, several ballads He likes to live, (and travel) Without fear of dying, without fear of taking risks Do not shoot in the dark, a quick guy Make a run here always behind of money Ah to play to lose partner, it's not me Look this guy is a thug, ahem, goal A good trickster, conqueror He has the suit of an artist, a player's spell Impresses in the rascal style Shop clothes, designer items Always on the straight, hair brush Mounted on a brand new nine hundred blue Gold ring matching the chains Expensive watch, of course, with a hot brand Walks alone in peace, without much haste Relaxes the mind, if it doesn't stress When it matters, he already has it (A Kawasaki?) and freedom my dear What does this guy have good blood? The envious ones I listen to Moto money, tramp gets pissed (Oh, isn't that fair, what about the brothers?) A slice of the cake? orientated doidão You know a lot of different types of cats Black, white, cold, hot Shy blonde, sensual black India from the Amazon to oriental flower It has a good reputation, in the middle of the sluts Of those model who rests during the day, you know? It has its criteria, it has its law.
know a guy who is from the night, from dawn Who likes several tapes, several ballads He likes to live, (and travel) Without fear of dying, without fear of taking risks Do not shoot in the dark, a quick guy Make a run here always behind of money Ah to play to lose partner, it's not me Look this guy is a thug, ahem, goal A good trickster, conqueror He has the suit of an artist, a player's spell Impresses in the rascal style Shop clothes, designer items Always on the straight, hair brush Mounted on a brand new nine hundred blue Gold ring matching the chains Expensive watch, of course, with a hot brand Walks alone in peace, without much haste Relaxes the mind, if it doesn't stress When it matters, he already has it (A Kawasaki?) and freedom my dear What does this guy have good blood? The envious ones I listen to Moto money, tramp gets pissed (Oh, isn't that fair, what about the brothers?) A slice of the cake? orientated doidão You know a lot of different types of cats Black, white, cold, hot Shy blonde, sensual black India from the Amazon to oriental flower It has a good reputation, in the middle of the sluts Of those model who rests during the day, you know? It has its criteria, it has its law.