• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: 08aline
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

QUESTÃO 1 – Quando usamos o simple past?

R= _______________________________________





QUESTÃO 2 – Quantas são as regras do Simple


R= _______________________________________


QUESTÃO 3 Quais são as regras do SIMPLE








Regra 3 ___________________________________



Regra 4 ___________________________________



QUESTÃO 4. Escolha a alternativa que não está no

Simple Past:

a) A man has chosen to occupy his free time

revitalizing a square.

b) People congratulated the man for the gradual

changes in the square.

c) He planted a number of pau-brasil, palm and

banana trees.

d) Residents noticed the square’s changes.

Leia o texto a seguir:

This news is about an 84-year-old woman from the

UK. Her name is Ursula and she left school in 1944

unable to read. She had no time to learn to read

because she had to look after her ill parents.

Ursula felt sad that she could not read the papers or

books like other people. She decided to learn to read

now, in her 80s. She hopes that she can inspire other

people to read too.

QUESTÃO 5 – Qual é o tem´pessoa verbal utilizado

no texto acima?

a) simple past

b) past perfect

c) simple present

d) presente perfect continuous

e) presente perfect

QUESTÃO 6 - Escolha a opção correta que

completa o texto a seguir:

The Rosetta Stone

"Egyptian hieroglyphic ________________

undeciphered until the 19th century. Members of

Napoleon’s Egyptian expedition of

1799________________a black basalt stone,

______________ 114 x 72 cm, at Rashid (Rosetta).

The stone ___________ with three different scripts:

hieroglyphic, the derived demotic

script,_________________ everyday purposes, and

Greek. (...)”

(CRYSTAL, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of

Language, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press,


a) remained - discovered - measuring - was carved -

used for

b) remained - had discovered - measuring - carved -

used to

c) had remained - had discovered - measured - is

carved - using to

d) had remained - discovered - measured - was

carved - uses for

e) could remain - discovered - measuring - would

carve - uses for


respondido por: CremildaBR


⇒⇒  Simple past

QUESTÃO 1 – Quando usamos o simple past?

Simple past é usado para falar sobre ações que aconteceram no passado e não estão mais acontecendo no presente.

QUESTÃO 2 – Quantas são as regras do Simple  Past?

São 5 (cinco) regras para o Simple past.

QUESTÃO 3 - Quais são as regras do Simple past?

Regra  1

→ Se o verbo terminar com a letra ''e'', basta acrescentar ''d''.  

live – lived  

smile – smiled  

like – liked  

Regra 2

→ Caso o verbo termine com uma consoante + a letra Y, substitua o ''y'' por ''ied''.  

study – studied  

try – tried  

cry – cried  

Regra 3

→ Mas se antes do ''y'' houver uma vogal simplesmente acrescenta o ''ed''.  

play – played  

stay – stayed  

pray – prayed  

Regra 4

→ Se o verbo terminar em consoante + vogal + consoante - CVC e esta for a sílaba tônica da palavra, dobra a última consoante e acrescenta ''ed''.  

stop – stopped  

prefer – preferred  

plan – planned  

Regra 5

→ Se a sílaba tônica for no início da palavra, é só acrescentar ''ed''  

visit – visited  

listen – listened  

open – opened  

QUESTÃO 4 -  Escolha a alternativa que NÃO  está no  Simple Past:

a) A man has chosen to occupy his free time   revitalizing a square.   √

b) People congratulated the man for the gradual  changes in the square.

c) He planted a number of pau-brasil, palm and  banana trees.

d) Residents noticed the square’s changes.

This news is about an 84-year-old woman from the   UK. Her name is Ursula and she left school in 1944  unable to read. She had no time to learn to read   because she had to look after her ill parents.   Ursula felt sad that she could not read the papers or   books like other people. She decided to learn to read   now, in her 80s. She hopes that she can inspire other   people to read too.

QUESTÃO 5 – Qual é o tempo verbal utilizado   no texto acima?

a) simple past

b) past perfect

c) simple present    √

d) presente perfect continuous

e) presente perfect

QUESTÃO 6 - Escolha a opção correta que  completa o texto a seguir:

The Rosetta Stone

"Egyptian hieroglyphic remained    undeciphered until the 19th century. Members of   Napoleon’s Egyptian expedition of   1799 discovered a black basalt stone,   measuring 114 x 72 cm, at Rashid (Rosetta).   The stone was carved with three different scripts:   hieroglyphic, the derived demotic  script, used for everyday purposes, and   Greek. (...)”

(CRYSTAL, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of  Language, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press,  2010.)

a) remained - discovered - measuring - was carved -   used for   √

b) remained - had discovered - measuring - carved -  used to

c) had remained - had discovered - measured - is  carved - using to

d) had remained - discovered - measured - was  carved - uses for

e) could remain - discovered - measuring - would  carve - uses for


Aprenda mais sobre ''Simple Past'' em:

→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25457807

→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/26757892

→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/28568802

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