1- (X) She has black, curly hair and brown eyes.
E você? Como você se parece?
Eu tenho (I have) _____, _______ cabelo (hair and) _____ olhos (eyes).
OBS: Preencha as lacunas acima com as SUAS características (cor do cabelo, se é encaracolado ou liso e cor dos olhos respectivamente)
exemplo: I have red, straight hair and brown eyes. -> Eu tenho cabelo cabelo vermelho liso e olhos marrons.
2.a) (X) The bones of a human body (skeleton).
2.b) (X) Debaixo
2.c) (X) It shows people that we have different physical characteristics, but we are all human.
3.) Asian = Asiático
Elderly = Idoso/Idosa
Indigenous = Indigena
Man = Homem
Obese = Obeso
Skinny = Magro
Woman = Mulher.
4.) Your eyes SEE the picture, then your brain TELLS you what they are.
5.) You move around and HOLDS your body in shape. Your bones also PROTECT other body parts.
Your brain CONTROLS your whole body.
It SENDS messages along tracks called nerves.
Your two lungs TAKE oxygen from the air so that you can breathe.
6.) (X) To talk about facts.