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Breakthrough: Joyce Smith and her family believed they had lost everything when their fourteen-year-old son John fell into a frozen Missouri lake on a winter morning.
At the hospital, John was dead for 60 minutes, but Joyce was unwilling to give up on her son. He gathered all his strength and faith, and cried out to God for his salvation.
Miraculously, John's heart beat again. From there, Joyce begins to challenge any experts and scientific evidence that try to explain what happened.
Director: Roxann Dawson
Writers: Joyce Smith (based upon the book by), Grant Nieporte (screenplay by)
Stars: MChrissy Metz, Mike Colter, Topher Grace, Josh Lucas, Marcel Ruiz, Rebecca Staab, Alissa Skovbye, Lisa Durupt, Isaac Kragten, Nikolas Dukic.
Genre: Biography, Drama
Então as informações que podemos retirar dele são:
Nome do filme: "Breakthrough" ou "Superação: O Milagre da Fé"
Gênero: Drama / Biografia
Direção: Roxann Dawson
Autores: Joyce Smith, Ginger Kolbaba
Elenco: Marcel Ruiz, Topher Grace, Sarah Constible
Logo uma pequena sinopse do filme no inglês seria:
When her 14-year-old son (John) drowns in a lake, a faithful mother prays for him to come back from the brink of death and be healed.
When John is transferred to another hospital, Joyce becomes increasingly convinced that her son's survival was an act of God, and she reaches out to the liberal clergyman. Based on true events as told in the biography of Joyce Smith.