Talk to a cook who makes the dish and publish the ingredients and the instructions to make it on a blog. me ajuda pessoal.
Converse com um cozinheiro que faz o prato e publique os ingredientes e as instruções para prepará-lo em um blog
site name and: kitchen serving dish
Ingredients for guava cheese ice cream recipe
3/4 of Minas cheese (can complement with mozzarella)
1 can of condensed milk
1 can of sour cream (with whey)
1 jar of creamy curd (200 grams)
creamy guava or to melt
Beat all ingredients in a blender, except guava. Grate the thick cheese first. Place on a platter or in individual containers and place in the freezer. If you choose the guava in pieces, just melt it in a pan. I glued the guava on the bottom before adding the cream cheese, to give that thamin, but you can add the syrup just before serving. Take the ice cream out of the freezer a few minutes before.