• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: felipenwn81
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

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respondido por: Dhyonatan1
manda em portugues porfavor

respondido por: derekfonseca
2-Do you want to start a new Japanese course next year?
3-I start my computer science classes this semester
4-We stay at school to study for the Italian test
5-Peter and Rachel usually study unlil noon and then they go home
6-When we have time we would like to go and visit our relatives in Rio

derekfonseca: Infelizmente apertei a tecla errada sem terminar o exercício.
derekfonseca: 7-What kind of cars does your brother sell at that store?
derekfonseca: 8-Jim wants to sell his car because he needs money
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