• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: kalianygomes
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

 Leiam o texto / read the text

Xavier is an intelligent guy and he plans to go to medical school. He thinks he may get a better job when he graduates. At the moment, Xavier is working at a supermarket and he can't pay for his studies or buy books, so he should try to get into a public college. Xavier is the oldest child and he feels he must do something to help his younger brothers and sisters as he already noticed they will need his support. Xavier is brave, determined and doesn't complain about life because he knows that things could be worse than they are now.


1.  Answer the questions / Responda as perguntas:

A) What does Xavier plan to do? (O que Xavier planeja fazer?)

(   ) go to the medical school

(   ) go to football school

(   ) go to engineering university 

2.  Xavier is working: (Xavier está trabalhando):

a) (   ) at the park

b) (   ) at the supermarket

c) (  )  at the factory

3. Retire do texto quatro verbos modais e escreva-os.

4. Write correct or incorrect after each statement about modals:

(Escreva correto ou incorreto após cada declaração sobre os modais):

Must e should dão ideia de proibição. __________________

Can and may dão ideia de permissão. __________________

Need significa pode. ____________________

Need dá ideia de necessidade. _________________


respondido por: Lokinha01
1. A) go to de medical school.

2. Letra B

3. May, should, can, must, will and could.

respondido por: alien011


A) What does Xavier plan to do? (O que Xavier planeja fazer?)

(X) go to the medical school

(   ) go to football school

(   ) go to engineering university 

2.  Xavier is working: (Xavier está trabalhando):

a) (   ) at the park

b) (X) at the supermarket

c) (  )  at the factory

3. Retire do texto quatro verbos modais e escreva-os:

is, plans, thinks, working,can't,

4. Write correct or incorrect after each statement about modals:

(Escreva correto ou incorreto após cada declaração sobre os modais):

Must e should dão ideia de proibição: Errado

Can and may dão ideia de permissão: Certo

Need significa pode: Certo

Need dá ideia de necessidade: Certo

Não tenho certeza se está tudo correto, porém espero ter ajudado :)

kalianygomes: Ajudou muito :)♡
alien011: acho que a 3 está errada, pq n aprendi ainda, mas obrigada e denadakkkk
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