responda a tabela (atividade de inglês, então responda em inglês)
ela ter - she has / she had / she will have / she is going to have
ele beber - he drinks / he drank / he will drink / he is going to drink
nós cantar - we sing / we sang / we will sing / we are going to sing
vocês ler - you read / you read / you will read / you are going to read
ele merecer - he deserves / he deserved / he will deserve / he is going to deserve
ele nadar - he swims / he swam / he will swim / he is going to swim
elas vir - they come / they came / they will come / they are going to come
eu ver - i see / i saw / i will see / i am going to see
você sorrir - you smile / you smiled / you will smile / you are going to smile
nós jogar - we play / we played / we will play / we are going to play
ela ensinar - she teaches / she taught / she will teach / she is going to teach
ele escrever - he writes / he wrote / he will write / he is going to write
você dirigir - you drive / you drove / you will drive / you are going to drive
ela estar - she is / she was / she will be / she is going to be
ele comer - he eats / he ate / he will eat / he is going to eat
só uma observação, caso você tenha interesse em saber, no caso do verbo ler (to read), o passado (leu) e particípio do passado (lido) tem a mesma forma que o presente na escrita - read - read - read, MAS eles se diferenciam na pronúncia, quando fala de read no presente (ou infinitivo - to read) você sempre pronuncia como "rhid", já quando tá no passado ou particípio a pronúncia muda para "rhed" (mesma pronuncia da palavra "red" - vermelho)
bom dia vamos lá
ela ter - she has / she had / she will have / she is going to have
ele beber - he drinks / he drank / he will drink / he is going to drink
nós cantar - we sing / we sang / we will sing / we are going to sing
vocês ler - you read / you read / you will read / you are going to read
ele merecer - he deserves / he deserved / he will deserve / he is going to deserve
ele nadar - he swims / he swam / he will swim / he is going to swim
elas vir - they come / they came / they will come / they are going to come
eu ver - i see / i saw / i will see / i am going to see
você sorrir - you smile / you smiled / you will smile / you are going to smile
nós jogar - we play / we played / we will play / we are going to play
ela ensinar - she teaches / she taught / she will teach / she is going to teach
ele escrever - he writes / he wrote / he will write / he is going to write
você dirigir - you drive / you drove / you will drive / you are going to drive
ela estar - she is / she was / she will be / she is going to be
ele comer - he eats / he ate / he will eat / he is going to eat
só uma observação, caso você tenha interesse em saber, no caso do verbo ler (to read), o passado (leu) e particípio do passado (lido) tem a mesma forma que o presente na escrita - read - read - read, MAS eles se diferenciam na pronúncia, quando fala de read no presente (ou infinitivo - to read) você sempre pronuncia como "rhid", já quando tá no passado ou particípio a pronúncia muda para "rhed" (mesma pronuncia da palavra "red" - vermelho)