• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: bibiofof
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

Complete as frases a seguir com a forma adequada dos verbos no tempo futuro:

1. I bought a present for Martha’s birthday tomorrow. ______ her a necklace.

2. “Mom, I’m thirsty!” “OK, wait here and ______ you a drink.”

3. Do you hear this noise from the car? I think ______ down soon.

4. ______ to play and have some fun. Always!

Assinale a alternativa que contém os verbos que completam as frases corretamente:

Escolha uma:
a. I’m going to give, I’m buying, it’ll, Kids are trying.
b. I’m giving, I’ll buy, it’ll break, Kids are going to try.
c. I’m giving, I’ll buy, it’s going to break, Kids will try.
d. I’ll give, I’m going to buy, it’s going to break, Kids are trying.
e. I’ll give, I’m buying, it’s breaking, Kids will try.


respondido por: CremildaBR


⇒⇒  Simple future   >>>   will / going to

1. I bought a present for Martha’s birthday tomorrow. I'm going to give her a necklace.

2. “Mom, I’m thirsty!” “OK, wait here and I'm buying  you a drink.”

3. Do you hear this noise from the car? I think it'll break down soon.

4. Kids are trying to play and have some fun. Always!

a. I’m going to give, I’m buying, it’ll, Kids are trying. √

b. I’m giving, I’ll buy, it’ll break, Kids are going to try.

c. I’m giving, I’ll buy, it’s going to break, Kids will try.

d. I’ll give, I’m going to buy, it’s going to break, Kids are trying.

e. I’ll give, I’m buying, it’s breaking, Kids will try.


⇒⇒ Simple future com ''will'' - futuro incerto - não planejado

sujeito + will + verbo + complemento

I will go to the park tomorrow.

She will ride a bike next Sunday.

⇒⇒ Simple future com ''going to'' >>>> faz referência a uma ação que foi planejada e é certeza que irá acontecer.

I am going to visit my cousins after work.

We are going to drink some orange juice.

I am going to watch TV tonight.

Aprenda mais em:

∴∴  brainly.com.br/tarefa/25342940

∴∴  brainly.com.br/tarefa/25276714

respondido por: MurilloP


Letra A - I’m going to give, I’m buying, it’ll, Kids are trying.


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