1- Qual sequência está correta para as frases a seguir: 1- She goes to school every day.
2- Bob doesn ́t speak English very well.
3- Do you work every week?
4- We wash the car every month. 5- John studies Portuguese.
a- ( ) negativa, interrogativa, interrogativa, afirmativa, afirmativa
b- ( ) interrogativa, interrogativa, negativa, afirmativa, afirmativa
c- ( ) afirmativa, afirmativa, negativa, interrogativa, afirmativa
d- ( ) afirmativa, negativa, negativa, afirmativa, afirmativa
e- ( ) afirmativa, negativa, interrogativa, afirmativa, afirmativa
Immigrants and Public Schools
Public schools in the United States helped immigrants in different ways. First the schools gave the children a free education. This meant that many young people became better educated than their parents and had more chances for better jobs. In addition, many schools had evening classes for adults.
2- De acordo com os verbos em destaque no texto acima, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
A ( ) helped - simple past – irregular verb
B ( ) gave - simple past – regular verb
C ( ) became – simple past - regular verb D ( ) had – simple past – irregular verb
E ( ) nenhuma das alternativas estão corretas.
3- Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a) Lisa doesn’t want to change her job.
b) She goes out with some of her school friends. c) She thinks she is extrovert.
d) She enjoys watching films.
e) He play a lot of team sports.
A sequência correta é:
A ( ) T, T, F, F, T
B ( ) F, F, F, T, F
C ( ) T, T, T, T, F
D ( ) F, T, F, T, F
4- Todas as frases estão gramaticalmente corretas, exceto:
A ( )Does she need help?
B ( )Does you speak English?
C ( )Do we read in Spain?
D ( )Do you know her?
E ( )Does Tom write in English?
5- Qual das sentenças abaixo encontra-se no “Simple Past”?
A ( )Deickson knew everything about maps. B ( )Erick corrects his lesson.
C ( )Angelica loves to swim.
D ( )Mary adores to sing.
E ( )John fixes his car every day.
⇒⇒ Simple past - regular and irregular verbs
1- She goes to school every day.
2- Bob doesn't speak English very well.
3- Do you work every week?
4- We wash the car every month.
5- John studies Portuguese.
a- ( ) negativa, interrogativa, interrogativa, afirmativa, afirmativa
b- ( ) interrogativa, interrogativa, negativa, afirmativa, afirmativa
c- ( ) afirmativa, afirmativa, negativa, interrogativa, afirmativa
d- ( ) afirmativa, negativa, negativa, afirmativa, afirmativa
e- (X) afirmativa, negativa, interrogativa, afirmativa, afirmativa √
Immigrants and Public Schools
Public schools in the United States helped immigrants in different ways. First the schools gave the children a free education. This meant that many young people became better educated than their parents and had more chances for better jobs. In addition, many schools had evening classes for adults.
2- De acordo com os verbos em destaque no texto acima, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
A ( ) helped - simple past – irregular verb
B ( ) gave - simple past – regular verb
C ( ) became – simple past - regular verb
D (X) had – simple past – irregular verb √
E ( ) nenhuma das alternativas está correta.
3- Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a) Lisa doesn’t want to change her job.
b) She goes out with some of her school friends.
c) She thinks she is extrovert.
d) She enjoys watching films.
e) He playS a lot of team sports. FALSE
A sequência correta é:
A ( ) T, T, F, F, T
B ( ) F, F, F, T, F
C (X) T, T, T, T, F √
D ( ) F, T, F, T, F
4- Todas as frases estão gramaticalmente corretas, exceto:
A ( ) Does she need help?
B (X) Does you speak English? √ (correto é ''Do you...'')
C ( ) Do we read in Spain?
D ( ) Do you know her?
E ( ) Does Tom write in English?
5- Qual das sentenças abaixo encontra-se no “Simple Past”?
A (X) Deickson knew everything about maps.
B ( ) Erick corrects his lesson.
C ( ) Angelica loves to swim.
D ( ) Mary adores to sing.
E ( ) John fixes his car every day.
⇒⇒ Simple past - regular verbs >> tempo verbal que indica algo que aconteceu no passado e não está mais acontecendo no presente. A maioria dos verbos em inglês são regulares e terminam sempre em ''ed'' quando estão no passado.
⇒⇒ Simple past - irregular verbs >> são verbos que não terminam em ''ed'' no passado. Cada verbo irregular tem sua forma própria de fazer o passado, ou seja, não seguem nenhuma regra e é preciso decorá-los.
• I went to school by bus. >> Eu fui à escola de ônibus.
• They had a shower last night. >> Eles tomaram banho ontem à noite.
⇒⇒ Alguns verbos irregulares no passado
to go ⇔ went
to do ⇔ did
to buy ⇔ bought
to teach ⇔ taught
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