1 – Complete the paragraph using the corresponding
possessive adjective.
I am writing (______ ) autobiography. Tom is writing
(______ ) autobiography. Carol is also writing (_______ )
autobiography. All the students are writing about the
histories of (______ ) lives. This is the assignment before
the semester break.
I am writing my autobiography. Tom is writing
his autobiography. Carol is also writing her
autobiography. All the students are writing about the
histories of their lives. This is the assignment before
the semester break.
The paragraph is: "I am writing MY autobiography. Tom is writing HIS autobiography. Carol is also writing HER autobiography. All the students are writing about the histories of THEIR lives. This is the assignment before the semester break."
O parágrafo pode ser traduzido para o português da seguinte forma: "Estou escrevendo MINHA autobiografia. Tom está escrevendo a autobiografia DELE. Carol também está escrevendo a autobiografia DELA. Todos os alunos estão escrevendo histórias da vida DELES. Esta é a tarefa antes do intervalo do semestre. "
Portanto, os pronomes possessivos, na língua inglesa, consistem em: My (meu/minha/meus/minhas), His (dele), Her (dela), Its (disso), Our (nosso/nossa/nossos/nossas), Their (deles/delas).
Outra questão sobre o assunto: