• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: welisinhodso
  • Perguntado 5 anos atrás

Leia o texto e faça os exercícios sobre o mesmo.

Yesterday Debbie had a job interview.  She went downtown to the company. The interview was for an accounting
job. Debbie graduated university 3 months ago.
Her interview was at 10:00 am. She woke up at 7:00 am and left her house before 8:00 am. She waited for the bus,
but it was late. She was very worried because she did not want to be late for the interview. She tried to phone the
company to warn them, but her phone battery was dead.
When the bus arrived, it was almost 9:00 am. Then the bus was slow because there were many other cars. The bus
finally arrived at Debbie’s stop at 9:45 am.
Debbie ran from the bus stop to the office building. When she entered she saw a sign that said the company was on
the 24th floor. The elevator ride took almost 5 minutes because many people stopped at different floors.  
When Debbie arrived at reception, it was 9:58. She was in time!  
“I am here to see Mrs. Lewis” said Debbie.
The receptionist checked her book and replied:  
“She is not here today.  What is your name please?”
“My name is Debbie Gregson.”
“Sorry Debbie, but your appointment is tomorrow.”
Debbie checked her agenda. It was true. She was there on the wrong day! 


1) Answer the questions with information from the reading. (Exercício! Responda às perguntas de acordo com o
texto. Use a estrutura do passado nas respostas das perguntas, responda em inglês. (5,0)
1. What time did Debbie wake up?__________________________________________________________
2. When did the bus arrive at the stop? ______________________________________________________
3. Was Debbie late? (Yes/No)_____________________________________________________________
4. Did Debbie go on the correct day? (Yes/No)________________________________________________

5. Copy from the text five verbs in the past tense:
2)True or False? (Verdadeiro ou Falso) (5,0)
a. Her interview was at 2pm. ( ) b. She waited for the bus and it was on time. ( )
c. The bus arrived at the bus stop at 9:45 am. ( ) d. The company was on the 24th floor. ( )
e. Debbie appointment is tomorrow. ( )
O passado simples dos verbos regulares é marcado pelo sufixo “ed”. Já os verbos irregulares possuem formas
próprias, e caso surja alguma dúvida é só consultar a tabela do passado dos verbos irregulares nesse mesmo site.
Em frases afirmativas, a forma do passado simples é: Sujeito + passado do verbo + complemento.
She broke her leg. (Ela quebrou sua perna).
He studied a lot yesterday. (Ele estudou bastante ontem).
The dog barked a lot last night. (O cão latiu bastante na noite passada).
They woke up late this morning. (Eles acordaram atrasados esta manhã).
Para as sentenças negativas é necessário utilizar o auxiliar “did” + “not” para todas as pessoas. O auxiliar deve vir
sempre após o sujeito. Ele pode vir na sua forma completa, “did not”, ou abreviada, “didn’t”. Pelo fato de já
estarmos usando o auxiliar do passado, “did”, o verbo deve vir sempre no infinitivo sem o “to”, e jamais conjugado
no passado.
They did not wash the car this weekend. (Eles não lavaram o carro esse fim de semana).
We didn’t send e-mails to our parents. (Nós não mandamos e-mails para os nossos pais).
I didn’t see Jack at the party yesterday. (Eu não vi o Jack na festa ontem).
She did not cut her nails. (Ela não cortou suas unhas).
Nas frases interrogativas, assim como nas negativas, é necessário utilizar o auxiliar “did”, logo, vale relembrar que o
verbo nunca deve vir conjugado. Na construção de frases interrogativas, coloca-se primeiro o auxiliar “did”, seguido
do sujeito + verbo no infinitivo sem “to” + complemento.
Nas respostas das perguntas iniciadas por “did”, deve-se responder com “did / didn’t”.
Perguntas feitas com pronomes interrogativos ( what / where, etc.. ) deve-se responder usando o verbo conjugado
no passado. Ex.: What did you play yesterday? I played volleyball. (O que você jogou ontem? Eu joguei voleibol.)
O verbo auxiliar “did / didn’t” não possui significado. Apenas coloca a frase na forma negativa (didn’t) ou
interrogativa (did). E em respostas das perguntas feitas com este verbo auxiliar.

Did Mary and Carol go to the mall last week? (A Mary e a Carol foram ao shopping semana passada?).
Yes, they did OU No, they didn’t.
Did Phillip buy his mother a gift? (O Philip comprou um presente para a sua mãe?).
Yes, he did. OU No, he didn’t.
Did Amanda sing at the festival? (A Amanda cantou no festival?).
Yes, she did. OU No, she didnt.

Did John give you all this money? (O John lhe deu todo este dinheiro?).
Yes, he did. OU No, he didn’t.


respondido por: camila44590


1= 7:00 AM

2= Debbie's stop

3= NO

4= NO




a) F

b) V

c) V

d) V


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