Questão 03. Passe este pequeno texto para o inglês.
Eu tenho viajado pelo mundo. Em resumo, eu gosto dessas
experiências. Enquanto algumas pessoas gostam de estabilidade, prefiro
enfrentar os riscos do desconhecido. Além disso, as viagens ampliam as
perspectivas nos colocando em contato com outras maneiras de viver. Da
mesma forma, nos colocamos em contato com nossos próprios desejos e
limites, nos empurrando para frente. Apesar das viagens exigirem algum
investimento, eu sou a favor. Ao gastar dinheiro viajando, você também está
investindo no seu futuro.
I have been traveling the world. In summary, I like these experiences. While some people like stability, I prefer face the risks of the unknown. In addition, travel expands put us in contact with other ways of living. Gives likewise, we put ourselves in touch with our own desires and limits, pushing us forward. Although travel requires some investment, I am a favor. When you spend money traveling, you are also investing in your future.
I have been traveling the world. In summary, I like these experiences. While some people like stability, I prefer face the risks of the unknown. In addition, travel expands perspectives putting us in touch with other ways of living. Gives likewise, we put ourselves in touch with our own desires and limits, pushing us forward. Although travel requires some investment, I am in favor. When you spend money traveling, you are also investing in your future.