• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: pehgamer997
  • Perguntado 5 anos atrás

7-Passe as frases abaixo do simple present para o simple past.

a) He doesn't take pictures here. (Ele não tira fotos aqui.)

b) The boys watch TV every day.

c) Does Paul visit museum?​


respondido por: CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Simple past

a) He doesn't take pictures here.

    He didn't take pictures here.

b) The boys watch TV every day.

    The boys didn't watch TV every day.

c) Does Paul visit the museum?​

   Did Paul visit the museum?

→→ Simple Past - Negative - ações que não aconteceram no passado. Para fazer a negativa/interrogativa precisamos do auxiliar ''DID'' antes do verbo principal, que ficará na sua forma normal na negativa e na interrogativa.


Sujeito + did + not + verbo + complemento

John          didn't        watch        TV yesterday.

David         didn't        wash          his car.

→→ Simple Past - Interrogative >>> necessário usar o auxiliar DID - na presença do auxiliar DID o verbo volta para a forma normal na interrogativa/negativa.

DID +   sujeito +    verbo +        complemento

Did       John          wash           his car  yesterday?

Did       Helen       study      for the tests?

Aprenda mais em:

→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25457807

→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/26757892

respondido por: euhenrique90

✎ Olá! Sou euhenrique90 e vim te ajudar!



  • a) He didn't take pictures here.
  • b) The boys didn't watch TV every day.
  • c) Did Paul visit the museum?


Verb to be no passado simples:

  • I = did
  • You = did
  • He = did
  • She = did
  • It = did
  • We = did
  • They = did

Verb to be no negativo do passado simples:

  • I = didn't
  • You = didn't
  • He = didn't
  • She = didn't
  • It = didn't
  • We = didn't
  • They = didn't

Verb to be no interrogativo do passado simples:

  • Did I ...
  • Did you ...
  • Did he ...
  • Did she ...
  • Did it ...
  • Did we ...
  • Did they ...


✎ Sou euhenrique90 e fico feliz ter te ajudado

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