. they danced late yesterday. (eles dançaram até tarde ontem.)
. There was a party last Saturday. (Houve uma festa sábado passado.)
. they had a party for her. (fizeram uma festa para ela)
. there was a show the day before yesterday . (houve um show anteontem)
. there were a lot of people at that party . (tinha muita gente naqula festa)
. I ate cake at the show yesterday. (eu comi bolo no show ontem.)
. I got sick yesterday because of the amount of sugar I had in the food at that party. (passei mal ontem por causa da quantidade de açucar que tinha nas comidas daquela festa.)
. everyone was dancing, and having fun in that ballad. (todo mundo estava dançando e se divertindo naquela balada. )
. they took a dog to the party, he was so cute!! . (levaram um cão para a festa, ele era tão fofinho!!)
. that party was tiring ... (aquela festa foi cansativa...)