• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: 271063
  • Perguntado 5 anos atrás

What would you do to help the world? we asked tour young people for their ideas.


If i had a lot of money, I'd start a charity for homeless people. I'd find a big old house, and i'd make it a wireless shelter. I woudn't build a new house. We'd look after homeless people um the shelter. We'd also mentor them and help them find work. If everyone had a place to live, and could earn some money, there wouldn't be as much crime in towns and cities


If i won the lottery, I wouldn't keep all the money. I'd give some of it to environmental projects.
I'd start recycling programs in every neighborhood. People should recycle more paper, glass, aPnd plastic, and reduce the amount of garbage they create. If we recycled more, we wouldn't have as much pollution in our air and in or oceans.


I'd work for an environmental group. Every year, big companies destroy more and more of the rainforests. I'd stop this to protect the trees. If there weren't any rainforest left, many people wouldn't have a place to live, and many animals would become extinct.
It would be terrible.
ave in .


I live in an expensive neighborhood, so I wouldn't do anything there, but I'd like to help people in slums around the worlds. l'd build new houses for them, nas lado a local sports center. Then the people would have a place to meet and have fun, and they'd learn new skills at the
same time,

Read the comments. Then circle the correct answer.

2.1. Cecilia would work with homeless people if she had .........
a) time
b) a house
c) money
d) a place to live
e) a charity

2.2. She thinks it's important to ................. the people in the shelter.
a) Join a club with
b) make friends with
c) do exercise with
d) raise money for
e) mentor

2.3. Yul thinks that if people recycled more, there ............. pollution.
a) wouldn't be any
b) would be less
c) would be a bit more
d) would be a lot more
e) would be no more

2.4. Kenzo would like to ................ pollution.
a) destroy more
b) destroy all the
c) protect the
d) live in the
e) work in the

2.5. If she could, Carla would ............... alums.
a) make life better in
b) live in
c) build more
d) have fun in
e) not do anything in​​


respondido por: Dark635


2-1 Letra C

2-2 Letra D

2-3 Letra B

2-4 Letra C

2-5 Letra A


Não sei se está certo,pois traduzi no google e não tava fazendo mt sentido..mais fiz oq poço.Espero ter ajudado de alguma forma ;)

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