• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: pireseduarda884
  • Perguntado 5 anos atrás

worms/d/e/1FAIpQLScBEDSMUKO KAQDfawdjDM-inPU29Y9V9HO9QKd1QHqhE6g/formResponse
Read the comic strip below and check the alternatives.
Hey John
Did you prepare my
mything since hours
Tans why I woudelike
bescat You can
1. The word did in "Did you prepare my food?", shows that the sentence is in the
Past Simple. A
2. The word didn't in "I didn't eat." is the past form of the verb drink.)
3. Didn't is the same as did not)
4. Did is the auxiliary verb for past simple.)
O 1. T2 F13. TI4.F
O 1. F12T13. F14F
O 1.12 F13. T|4T
O 1 F12 T13. FIT



respondido por: JPlegal124


Terceita Bolinha é a correta

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