Alguém me ajudar pela amor de deus eu não conseguir fazer sozinha as questão me ajudem por favor agradeço.
nao mas bom estudos tbm que se saia bem
Caso for em inglês:
1- Martin Luther Jr is considered the leader of the American Civil Righs Movement
2- All life. His life was dedicated to improving conditions for African-Americans
3- He believed that all men should be treated equally, black and white, male or female. Dr. King always chose a nonviolent approach for his methods, and inspired his followers to peaceful action
4- In 1964 he won the Nobel Peace prize for his efforts towards equality and he changed legislation to allow blacks to vote, have jobs, and receive the same treatment as whites in America.
5- Essa você pode colocar, caso saiba, alguém que lutou pela igualdade de direito. Por exemplo: Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Malala Yousafzai, Eleanor Roosevelt, etc