3- Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à VOZ ATIVA das sentenças a seguir
a) The 2014 Cup was hosted by Brazil
( ) Brazil hosted the 2014 Cup.
( ) Brazil hosts the 2014 Cup.
( ) Brazil will host the 2014 Cup.
b) The Eiffel Tower was erected by the French
() The French erected the Eiffel Tower.
() The French erects the Eiffel Tower
) The French will erect the Eiffel Tower.
c) Information is stored by computers.
( ) Computers store information
( ) Computers stored information
( ) Computers will store information
e) New machines will be invented by man
) Man invents new machines.
( Man invented new machines.
( ) Man will invent new machines.
⇒⇒ Active and Passive voice
a) The 2014 Cup was hosted by Brazil
(X) Brazil hosted the 2014 Cup.
( ) Brazil hosts the 2014 Cup.
( ) Brazil will host the 2014 Cup.
b) The Eiffel Tower was erected by the French
(X) The French erected the Eiffel Tower.
() The French erects the Eiffel Tower.
) The French will erect the Eiffel Tower.
c) Information is stored by computers.
(X) Computers store information .
( ) Computers stored information.
( ) Computers will store information
e) New machines will be invented by man
( ) Man invents new machines.
( ) Man invented new machines.
(X) Man will invent new machines.
→→ Voz ativa - sujeito pratica a ação do verbo.
John drives a black car. - John dirige um carro preto.
John - sujeito
black car - objeto
→→ Voz passiva - objeto será o sujeito da passiva
The black car is driven by John. - O carro preto é dirigido pelo John.
the black car - sujeito da passiva
John - objeto
Aprenda mais em:
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25204537
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/26758566