Complete com `a / an´, `some´ and `any´.
1. Lisa´s got a / an towel. 2. Ana´s got a / some rucksack. 3. Lucía’s got an / some insect repellent. 4. Javi hasn´t got some / any sunglasses. 5. Antonio´s got a / some swimming costume. 6. Ignacio hasn´t got any / some sandwiches. 7. Angeles has got an / a apple. 8. There aren´t any / some cafés in the city. 9. I haven´t got any / some money. 10. Have you got some / any sun cream? 11. We´ve got some / any sandwiches. 12. We need a / an torch for our camping trip. 13. There isn´t some / any litter on the beach. 14. I´m going to buy any / an ice cream. 15. Can I have some / a strawberries? 16. You can have this cereal with some / a milk. 17. I´ve got any / some fruit. 18. There isn´t some / an elephant. 19. There aren´t some / any sharks. 20. Are there some / any plants? 21. Is there a / an tree? 22. Is there some / any cheese in the fridge? 23. There is a / some water in the fridge? 24. The supermarket´s got some / a strawberries. 25. I´ve got a / some soup in the fridge.
Uma dica de ouro: Quando a palavra começa com vogal, se usa "an" e quando começa com consoante se usa "a".
Os termos “some” e “any” são usados com substantivos contáveis e incontáveis, mas com uma GRANDE DIFERENÇA, que, inclusive, é o ponto que nos permite diferenciá-los e fazer suas colocações corretas nas frases: “any” é usado APENAS em sentenças negativas e interrogativas, NUNCA em sentenças afirmativas.
Some" significa um pouco e "any" significa nenhum. Você tem que usar essas palavras em vez de "a/an" antes de substantivos incontáveis ou antes de substantivos contáveis no plural. "Some" é usado como artigo antes de substantivos incontáveis nas frases afirmativas, e "any" vem nas frases negativas ou interrogativas.
1.Lisa's got a towel
2.Ana's got some rucksack
3.Lucía's got some insect repellent
4.Javi hasn't got any sunglasses
5.Antonio's got a swimming costume
6. Ignacio hasn´t got any sandwiches.
7. Angeles has got an apple.
8. There aren´t any cafés in the city.
9. I haven´t got any money.
10. Have you got some sun cream?
11. We´ve got some sandwiches.
12. We need a torch for our camping trip.
13. There isn´t any litter on the beach.
14. I´m going to buy an ice cream.
15. Can I have some strawberries?
16. You can have this cereal with some milk.
17. I´ve got any some fruit.
18. There isn´t an elephant.
19. There aren´t any sharks.
20. Are there some plants?
21. Is there a tree?
22. Is there some cheese in the fridge?
23. There is a water in the fridge?
24. The supermarket´s got some strawberries.
25. I´ve got some soup in the fridge.