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Resumo: este artigo lida com o problema da autonomia dos trabalhadores e sua relação com os bolcheviques no processo da Revolução Russa, entre 1917 e 1921. Através do es- tudo dos comitês de fábrica, da Oposição Operária e da Revolta de Kronstadt, este estudo pretende demonstrar como a questão da autonomia foi tratada pelo Partido Bolchevique. Os bolcheviques, através da repressão estatal e da implantação da gestão nas fábricas, impediram a ideia do controle operário. Contribuíram para isso, as circunstâncias em que se encontrava a sociedade russa no pós-guerra, com o descalabro econômico e a eclosão da Guerra Civil, e também a maneira como o Partido encarava a questão da organização da produção. Houve um distanciamento entre a vanguarda política e a base de trabalhadores durante o processo revolucionário.
Palavras-chave: Revolução Russa. Trabalhadores. Bolcheviques. Autonomia. Gestores.
Abstract: this article deals with the problem of workers' autonomy and its relation with the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution, between 1917 and 1921. Through the study of factory committees, workers' opposition and the Kronstadt rebellion, this study aims to demonstrate how the question of autonomy was handled by the Bolshevik Party. The Bolsheviks, by State repression and the implementation of management in factories, prevented the idea of workers' control. Contributed to it, the circumstances of Russian society in the postwar period, with the economic debacle and the outbreak of the Civil War, and also the way the party was facing the question of organization of production. There was a gap between the avant-garde and political workers during the revolutionary process
Palavras-chave: Revolução Russa. Trabalhadores. Bolcheviques. Autonomia. Gestores.
Abstract: this article deals with the problem of workers' autonomy and its relation with the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution, between 1917 and 1921. Through the study of factory committees, workers' opposition and the Kronstadt rebellion, this study aims to demonstrate how the question of autonomy was handled by the Bolshevik Party. The Bolsheviks, by State repression and the implementation of management in factories, prevented the idea of workers' control. Contributed to it, the circumstances of Russian society in the postwar period, with the economic debacle and the outbreak of the Civil War, and also the way the party was facing the question of organization of production. There was a gap between the avant-garde and political workers during the revolutionary process
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