passe as sentenças abaixo do presente para o passado simpels dos verbos regulares
a) The baby cries.
b) You open the windows.
c) Sharon visits her aunt.
d) They copy the exercises.
e) The scientists invent new machines.
f) I talk to the doctor.
g) You believe in ghosts.
h) She lives in Viena, Austria.
j) Daniel smiles at Jessica.
**me ajudem**
⇒⇒ Simple past - regular verbs
a) The baby cries.
The baby cried.
b) You open the windows.
You opened the windows.
c) Sharon visits her aunt.
Sharon visited her aunt.
d) They copy the exercises.
They copied the exercises.
e) The scientists invent new machines.
The scientists invented new machines.
f) I talk to the doctor.
I talked to the doctor.
g) You believe in ghosts.
You believed in ghosts.
h) She lives in Viena, Austria.
She lived in Viena, Austria.
j) Daniel smiles at Jessica.
Daniel smiled at Jessica.
⇒⇒ Simple past - regular verbs >> tempo verbal que indica algo que aconteceu no passado e não está mais acontecendo no presente. A maioria dos verbos em inglês são regulares e terminam sempre em ''ed'' quando estão no passado .
decided - called - smiled - watched - washed
decidiu - chamou - sorriu - assistiu - lavou
→→ Algumas regras para o passado de verbos regulares
→ Se o verbo terminar com a letra ''e'', basta acrescentar ''d''.
live – lived
smile – smiled
like – liked
→ Caso o verbo termine com uma consoante + a letra Y, substitua o ''y'' por ''ied''.
study – studied
try – tried
cry – cried
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