• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: Anônimo
  • Perguntado 5 anos atrás


D. Complete as frases abaixo utilizando some, any e seus derivados corretamente.

1) Is there other way I can reach Richard?
2) Would you like to eat ?
3) There isn't at Amanda's house on Saturdays morning.
4) Maria! Can you bring pencils to my office?
5) Amanda has old magazines which we can use at school.
6)They don't have clue about the missing English book from school.
7) I think I have work left to do before lunch.
8) Elisa lives on the mountains.
9) We can't find a open restaurant at this time of night.
10) She said she would visit us .


respondido por: CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Quantifiers >>> some - any

1) Is there any other way I can reach Richard?

2) Would you like something to eat ?

3) There isn't anybody  at Amanda's house on Saturdays morning.

4) Maria! Can you bring some pencils to my office?

5) Amanda has some old magazines which we can use at school.

6)They don't have any clue about the missing English book from school.

7) I think I have some work left to do before lunch.

8) Elisa lives somewhere on the mountains.

9) We can't find anywhere an open restaurant at this time of night.

10) She said she would visit us someday.

⇒⇒  Quantifiers

→→ Some (algum - alguma, alguns - algumas, um pouco de) - é usado em sentenças afirmativas.

→ antes de substantivos contáveis (que possuem plural)

I have some friends. - Eu tenho alguns amigos

She has some books. - Ela tem alguns livros

We have some pens. - Nós temos algumas canetas

→ antes de substantivos incontáveis - (que não possuem plural)

some milk - um pouco de leite

some water - um pouco de água

→→ Something >> NÃO é usada em frases negativas

→ em frases afirmativas >>> alguma coisa / algo

I knew something was happening there.

Eu sabia que alguma coisa/algo estava acontecendo lá.

→ em frases interrogativas >>> alguma coisa/algo

Would you like something to drink?

Você gostaria de algo para beber?

→→ Any (nenhum, nenhuma, qualquer, algum, alguma) - é usado em sentenças afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas

→ Afirmativas - tem sentido de ‘’qualquer’’

any tools - qualquer ferramenta

any shoes - qualquer sapato

→ Negativas - tem sentido de ‘’nenhuma’’ ou ‘’nenhum’’

I don’t have any new book. - Eu não tenho nenhum livro novo.

I don’t play any videogames. - Eu não jogo nenhum jogo.

→→ Anything

→ em frases afirmativas >> qualquer coisa

You can say anything you want.

Você pode dizer qualquer coisa que quiser.

→ em frases negativas >> nada

I didn't say anything.

Eu não falei

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