322 Agora chegou a sua vez de construir um diálogo em inglês tendo como base o verbo to be no
pretérito nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
- Rebeca was a good person.
- I remember her. She was amazing, wasn´t she?
- Yes, for sure! I used to help her with her homeworks. I was kind of falling in love with her. It´s so bad this all situation.
- I totally agree with you. I fell so lucky to had her in my life. I'm really thankfull about it. You too, aren´t you?
- Certainly, i am, or, i was, i don´t know. I am confuse about what happened, my mind doesn't assimilate all this. My sister is devasted, she was her bestfriend.
- I am sorry about it! Are you crying right now?
- No, i am not crying right now. I was crying before, now i am sad. But, do you know who is normal about it?
- I could say Merlim, he used to hate her even after all, he isn't sad. He wasn't her friend, he was her enemy.
Espero ter ajudado.