• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: luanyguimaraes09
  • Perguntado 5 anos atrás

0 - Marque a(s) opção(öcs) que apresenta uma frase incorreta:
a) It is getting out of control.
d) Is he a engineer
b) We arents American
c) Monica is funny,
1 The TV is now.
e) Caylon and Malcon is Brothers.​


respondido por: kelly019

E) Caylon and Malcon is brothers

O correto: Caylon and Malcon are brothers

Regra do verbo to be:

I - am

You - are

She - is

He - is

It - is

We - are

You - are

They - are

Mas a letra b também contém erros ortográficos, o correto é: we aren’t Americans, acho que você escreveu errado

Espero ter ajudado❣️

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