• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: skauanny311
  • Perguntado 5 anos atrás

Texto 1.
Money Talks
Is money a good medium to spread messages? At
first Alexei Navalny, a Russian opposition activist and
noted blogger, was skeptical. But then he did the maths:
if 5,000 Russians stamped 100 bills each, every citizen
would encounter at least one of the altered notes as they
passed from person to person.
Members of Iran's Green Movement used this
tactic in 2009, writing slogans on banknotes during
their antigovernment protests. This prompted a ruling
that defaced notes would no longer be accepted by
banks. Similarly, supporters of the Occupy movement
had added slogans and infographics about income
inequality to dollar bills. And members of China's Falun
Gong movement wrote messages on banknotes
attacking government persecution.
The use of money as a communications medium,
distributing words and images as it passes from hand to
hand, is ancient. The earliest coins, minted in Lydia
(now part of Turkey) in the 7th century BC, depicted
the head of a lion, thought to have been a royal symbol.
Later rulers had their names and images inscribed on
coins, along with symbolic images of various kinds. In
the era before printing, this was a very efficient way to
project their image directly to the people.
But their subjects were also aware of the messaging
power of money, as the recently revamped exhibit on
the history of money at the British Museum in London
reveals. It includes a Roman coin from 215 AD, on
which the Christian "chi-rho" symbol has been
scratched behind the emperor's head; a French coin from
1855 overstamped with an advertisement for Pear Soap;
and a 1903 British penny on which Edward VII's face
has been stamped with "Votes for women" by
suffragettes. Mr.Navalny's call for Russians to stamp
messages on banknotes is just the latest incarnation of
a centuries-old idea - a pioneering example of what we
now call social media.
(The Economist, September 29th 2012, p. 80. Adapted)
J9Otítulo do texto - Money talks - é um ditado comum
em inglês que implica que se pode comprar quase tudo
com dinheiro, e é usado aqui para:
to show how corruption is spread all over the
b) in order to emphasize the power money brings
to those who own it.
c) so as to illustrate how dictatorial governments
can manipulate the use of money.​


respondido por: Anônimo


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