Uma amostra de ácido propiônico pesando 3,8476g, foi transferida quantitativamente para um balão volumétrico de 500,00ml e devidamente avolumada. Da solução resultante foram retiradas alíquotas de 25,00ml, que consumiram em média 25,02ml de solução 0,1018 N de NaOH na titulação. Qual a %(m/m) de CH3CH2COOH na amostra?
thoughtful of surbhi I am so glad to be an indian army and police and police officers in which the sto and I am so glad to be an indian army and police and police officers in which the sto and I am so glad to be an indian army and police and police officers in which the sto and I am so glad to be an indian army and police and police officers in which the sto and I am so glad to be an indian army and police and police officers in which the sto and I am so glad to be an indian army and police and police officers in which the sto and I am so glad to be an indian army and police and police officers in which the sto and I am so glad to be an indian army and police and police officers in which the sto and I in which the sto and I am so glad to be an indian army and police and police officers in which the sto and I am so glad to be an indian army and police and police officers in which the sto and I am so glad to be an indian army and police and police officers in which the sto and I am so glad to be an indian army and police and police officers in which the sto and I am so