Encontre 4 cognatos no texto abaixo:
“Flying three hours beyond the Caribbean, travelers from Miami cross the
Equator and discover a parallel archipelago of beaches that is still largely
unknown to North Americans -- a 2,000-mile arc of white sand, turquoise sea,
coconut palms, tropical fruits, fresh seafood, historic monuments and a friendly,
sensuous people.
This region, Brazil's Northeast, is such an overnight sensation among Europeans
and Argentines that it is expected to displace Rio de Janeiro this year as Brazil's
primary tourist destination. With weekly flights now linking Recife and Salvador
with most major European capitals, the foreign tourist flow is expected to hit 1
million this year, up from 350,000 in 1992, according to a regional government
tourism commission.
⇒⇒ Cognatos
“Flying three hours beyond the Caribbean, travelers from Miami cross the Equator and discover a parallel archipelago of beaches that is still largely unknown to North Americans -- a 2,000-mile arc of white sand, turquoise sea, coconut palms, tropical fruits, fresh seafood, historic monuments and a friendly, sensuous people.
This region, Brazil's Northeast, is such an overnight sensation among Europeans and Argentines that it is expected to displace Rio de Janeiro this year as Brazil's primary tourist destination. With weekly flights now linking Recife and Salvador with most major European capitals, the foreign tourist flow is expected to hit 1 million this year, up from 350,000 in 1992, according to a regional government tourism commission.
Obs.: Os cognatos estão destacados em ''negrito''
⇒⇒ Cognatos: são palavras em inglês que têm a grafia similar e o mesmo significado em português.
Popular - popular
Comedy – comédia
Different – diferente
Future – futuro
Idea - ideia
⇒⇒ Falso cognato: são palavras, em inglês, que são escritas quase da mesma forma que em português, mas que têm a tradução completamente diferente.
parece significa
Expert esperto especialista - perito
Actually atualmente na verdade - na realidade
Parents parentes pais >> pai e mãe
Fabric fábrica tecido
Relatives relativos parentes
Pretend pretender fingir
College colégio faculdade
Aprenda mais em:
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/23380606
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/24691341
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/26186520