preciso de um texto falando sobre: Medidas de tendência central e Medidas de Dispersão”.
ps: coloquei em inglês sem querer
Resposta:Below are the values of the variables gestational age, crib (Clinical Risk Index for Babies), inspired fraction of maximum O2 (fiO2_maximo), birth weight and death of 10 newborns treated in the neonatal ICU of Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, Rio de January. This data set, called the neonate, refers to 349 newborns. There are a number of other variables that have been collected for these newborns, but have not been shown. The data presented in a tabular form does not give us a good idea of how they are distributed and their main characteristics.
## ig_parto crib fio2_maxima weight_nascimento obito
## 1 232 2 NA 1185 No
## 3 235 NA NA 1500 No
## 4 200 1 NA 1110 No
## 5 218 NA 21 1315 No
## 6 248 NA 21 1390 No
## 7 205 10 100 980 No
## 9 219 NA 30 1060 No
## 10 221 1 60 1095 Yes
## 11 186 16 100 500 Yes
## 12 211 1 60 1255 Yes
The first step in performing a data analysis involves inspecting the variables individually. This exploration of the data is carried out by means of numerical measures and / or by graphic resources. The main graphic resources will be presented in the next chapter. For numerical variables, the most used numerical measures are those of location (central tendency) and dispersion.
A graph widely used to show the distribution of the values of a numerical variable is the histogram, which, in summary, shows the frequency or percentage of values in each range of values of the numerical variable. Figure 3.1 shows the frequency histogram of the gestational age variable of the neonate data set (upper graph) and of the crib variable (lower graph). The perpendicular lines in both graphs indicate the mean (red) and the median (blue), respectively.
Explicação: espero q tenha ajudado hehe good luck