School materials that you use to write:
A eraser, rubber, calculator, protactor
B pen, pencil, colored pencil, mechanical pencil
C pencil sharpener, pencil case, school uniform , school desk (wallet)
Materiais escolares que você usa para escrever
R: pen, pencil, colored pencil, mechanical pencil (CMSP) .
School materials that you use to write:
A alternativa correta é a letra B
There are more school supplies. Here it comes a list with some os the most used materials all over the world.
ballpoint pen, glue, paper sheets, drawing notebooks, globes, pencil , Didatic books, marker, notebooks , sticker tags ,binders , EVA sheets, schoolbag, construction paper, Backpacks, Highlighter , rubber bands, paper clips, white glue, Crayons and Calculator.
School supplies lists can help the school, parents, and students organize for the upcoming school year. In addition to being a way to make the cost of living at school a little more affordable for parents and for the educational institution itself.
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