2. Destaque os Falsos cognatos no texto abaixo.
In the moming I attended a meeting between management and union representatives. The discussion was
very comprehensive, covering topics like working hours, days off, retirement age, etc. Both sides were
interested in an agreement and ready to compromise. The secretary recorded everything in the notes.
Eventually, they decided to set a new meeting to sign the final draft of the agreement.
Back at the office, a colleague of mine asked if I had realized that the proposed agreement would be
partially against the company policy not to accept workers that have already retired. pretended to be
realy busy and late for an appointment, and left for the cafeteria. Actually, I didn't want to discuss the
matter at that particular moment because there were some strangers in the office.
After lunch I attended a lecture given by the mayor, who is an expert in tax legislation and has a graduate
degree in political science. He said his government intends to assist welfare programs and senior citizens,
raise funds to improve college education and build a public library, and establish tougher limits on vehicle
emissions because he assumes this is what the people expect from the government.
⇒⇒ Falsos cognatos
In the morning I attended a meeting between management and union representatives. The discussion was very comprehensive, covering topics like working hours, days off, retirement age, etc. Both sides were
interested in an agreement and ready to compromise. The secretary recorded everything in the notes. Eventually, they decided to set a new meeting to sign the final draft of the agreement.
Back at the office, a colleague of mine asked if I had realized that the proposed agreement would be partially against the company policy not to accept workers that have already retired. Pretended to be really busy and late for an appointment, and left for the cafeteria. Actually, I didn't want to discuss the matter at that particular moment because there were some strangers in the office.
After lunch I attended a lecture given by the mayor, who is an expert in tax legislation and has a graduate degree in political science. He said his government intends to assist welfare programs and senior citizens, raise funds to improve college education and build a public library, and establish tougher limits on vehicle emissions because he assumes this is what the people expect from the government.
parece significa
attended atender compareceu (verbo ''to attend'')
union união sindicato
comprehensive compreensivo geral / abrangente
compromise compromisso conceder / comprometer
recorded recordar gravar (verbo ''to record''
eventually eventualmente finalmente / definitivamente
office oficial escritório
realize realizar notar / perceber
policy polícia apólice / diretrizes (de uma empresa)
pretended pretender fingir (verbo to pretend)
appointment apontamento hora marcada (compromisso)
cafeteria cafeteria refeitório (faculdade/empresa)
actually atualmente na verdade
particular particular específico
lecture leitura palestra / conferência
mayor maior prefeito
tax taxa / taxi imposto
expert esperto especialista
intend entende planejar / pretender
assist assistir socorrer / ajudar
college colégio faculdade
library livraria biblioteca
assume assumir presumir
⇒⇒ Falso cognato >>>> são palavras, em inglês, que são escritas quase da mesma forma que em português, mas que têm a tradução completamente diferente.
parece significa
Parents parentes pais >> pai e mãe
Relatives relativos parentes
Pretend pretender fingir
Intend entender pretender
College colégio faculdade
Lunch lanche almoço
Learn more
Ao ler o texto, o aluno deverá ser capaz de preencher as lacunas com as palavras cognatas apropriadas ao contexto das frases em que estão inseridas. Ele deverá saber que a ordem correta dos falsos cognatos é: attended, recorded, eventually, policy, actually, intends. Veja:
• Na primeira frase, há a informação de que a pessoa participou (ATTENDED) de uma reunião.
• Na segunda frase, há a informação de que a secretária registrou (RECORDED) tudo.
• Na terceira frase, há a informação de que, afinal (EVENTUALLY), decidiram marcar uma nova reunião.
• Na quarta frase, há a informação sobre a política (POLICY) da empresa de não aceitar funcionários que já eram aposentados.
• Na quinta frase, há a informação de que a pessoa não queria, na verdade (ACTUALLY), discutir o problema naquele momento.
• Na sexta frase, há a informação de que o prefeito disse que o seu governo tem a intenção (INTENDS) de ajudar programas de saúde.