1- Utilize o verbo “to have” na conjugação correta para completar as frases abaixo:
a) It’s late. You _____ _____ to go home now. (Negativa)
b) Blake is so sick. He _________ to see a doctor tomorrow morning. (Afirmativa)
c) I’m so tired of all of this. I _______ to quit this job urgently. (Afirmativa)
d) Cinthia is a very loved friend of mine. I ____ ____ to see her every week. (Negativa)
e) We _______ to walk to work. (Afirmativa).
f) ______She _______ a weak spot for him. (Interrogativa)
g)I _______ to go to the school today (Afirmativa)
h) My brother ____ _______ a new car. (Negativa)
i) _______ Mary _____ a car? (Interrogativa)
j) The cow _______ a long black tail. (Afirmativa)
l)______they _______ been gone for six days now? (Interrogativa)
m) You ___ ________ to be back at 3 pm. (Negativa)
o) The cow _______ a long black tail. (Afirmativa)
p) .______Dad and Mom _______ buy a new house. (Interrogativa)
q) The bus _______ four doors.(Afirmativa)
r) The team ______ _______ lost eight games this season. (Negativa)
s) I _______ a bike. (Afirmativa)
t) ______ You _______ never been to the Germany.? (Interrogativa)
u) My bedroom _______ three small windows. (Afirmativa)
v) I only _______ a sister. (Negativa)
w) You _______ a nice house. (Afirmativa)
A) don't , have
B) has
C) have
D) don't , have
e) have
F) Does , have
G) have
H) doesn't, have
I) does , have
J) has
L) do , have
M) don't, have
O) has
P) do have
Q) has
R) don't, have
S) have
t) do, have
u) has
v) doesn't, have
w) have
espero ter ajudado !
Para preencher as lacunas com a forma correta do verbo "to have" devemos empregar as regras de uso do tempo verbal simple present em língua inglesa.
a) don't have
b) has
c) have
d) don't have
e) have
f) Does/have
g) have
h) doesn't have
i) Does/have
j) has
l) Do/have
m) don't have
o) has
p) Do have
q) has
r) doesn't have
s) have
t) Do/have
u) has
v) don't have
w) have
Simple present
É utilizado para descrever:
- hábitos
- fatos
- eventos de um futuro próximo
- o momento presente
Regras de conjugação
- remover o TO (da forma infinitiva);
- repetir a base do verbo;
- Exemplo: I like.
A exceção desta regra se dá na conjugação na terceira pessoa do singular.
Terceira pessoa do singular (she,he, it)
Atentar à terminação dos verbos:
- maioria dos verbos: acrescer um S ao final. Exemplo: She likes;
- verbos terminados em ss, x, z, ch, sh e o: acrescer ES ao final. Exemplo: He goes;
- verbos terminados em y, precedidos de consoante: acrescer IES ao final. Exemplo: She cries.
Forma interrogativa
- O auxiliar DO (ou DOES na 3ª pessoa singular) é sempre utilizado antes do sujeito. O verbo sempre aparece no infinitivo e sem o TO.
Forma negativa
- O auxiliar DO/DOES é seguido pelo NOT, e o verbo também aparece no infinitivo e sem o TO.
Verbo to have
É um verbo irregular, na terceira pessoa se torna has.
Saiba mais sobre simple present em: brainly.com.br/tarefa/28809356