Write a review of a game or toy.
How do you play
What you like the most about it
Are there any problems with the game/toy?
your text must have between 50 and 70 words que poder ajudar obrigado :)
respondido por:
I decided to talk about a Rubik's Cube. It's a puzzle in the form of a cube covered with multicolored squares, which the player has to twist and turn to try to put all the squares of same color in the same face, all together.
It may be a little tough for some people to solve it, but practicing can lead you to perfection. There are lots of kinds of Rubik's cubes, one more complicated than the other. It's an excellent way to exercise your brain, and your skills as well. The Rubik's cube was invented in 1974 and fascinated people, becomimg one of the most popular games in the 80s.
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