4 - As situações a seguir apresentam o contexto das pessoas e as emoções com as quais elas precisam
utilizar estratégias de coping. Leia cada situação e dê uma sugestão: O que pode ser feito para lidar
com isso? Use expressões da caixa se preferir.
Example-Situation: Harper argued with her best friend. She is very angry.
Suggestion: I guess you could go for a walk. I’m sure you would feel better.
Situação exemplo: Harper discutiu com seu melhor amigo. Ela está brava.
Sugestão: Acho que você poderia caminhar um pouco. Tenho certeza que você se sentiria melhor.
Situation 1: Sam is sad because she did her best but didn’t pass the exam.
Situation 2: Susy Always dreamed about her birthday of being 15, but her party was not what she expec-
ted and now she’s feeling totally frustrated.
Situation 3: Tony shared a secret with a friend, but suddenly everybody knew about it. He felt angry,
betrayed and was disappointed in his friend.
Situation 1: Sam is sad because she did her best but didn’t pass the exam.
Suggestion: Don't worry, do recreational readings, listen to musics, don't focus on what your haven't achieved tow you will do ir next time.
Situation 2: Susy Always dreamed about her birthday of being 15, but her party was not what she expected and now she’s feeling totally frustrated. Suggestion: Don't worry, do recreational reading, listen to music, don't focus on what you haven't achieved. You will succeed next time.
Situation 3: Tony shared a secret with a friend, but suddenly everybody knew about it. He felt angry, betrayed and was disappointed in his friend.
Suggestion: Don't feel that way, just walk away from it and move on.
Situation 4: April has depression and needs to buy medicine and pay psychological treatment therapy.
Her family can’t afford it all, so she’s anxious about that.
Suggestion: Walk a little, see the world, don't let the lack of money get you down more than the depression itself. Look for public institutions such as "caps".
Eu coloquei assim, eu fiz do jeito que mandava então tenho quase certeza de que esta tudo certo (só quem pode dizer que está 100% certo é minha professora então...).
Situation 1: Sam is sad because she did her best but didn’t pass the exam. Suggestion: *
Walk a little, listen to some music. Think ... why didn't you do so well? With the solution you will be better at the next exam.
Situation 2: Susy Always dreamed about her birthday of being 15, but her party was not what she expected and now she’s feeling totally frustrated. Suggestion: *
Listen to a song. Think if it's really worth being sad about it.
Situation 3: Tony shared a secret with a friend, but suddenly everybody knew about it. He felt angry, betrayed and was disappointed in his friend. Suggestion: *
Practice some sport. In the meantime, think about what you are going to do about your friendship.
Situation 4: April has depression and needs to buy medicine and pay psychological treatment therapy. Her family can’t afford it all, so she’s anxious about that. Suggestion: *
Walk a little. Think about what you can do for help.
Desculpa qualquer erro.
Espero ter ajudado!