Sometimes it is difficult to establish career goals if you are not really sure of what you would like to do. A good way to start your exploration is by asking some questions about yourself:
⦁ What are your talents? These are the things that you are naturally good at, for example: Are you organized? Are you patient? Are you creative?
⦁ What are your skills? These are how you do something, for example: Can you speak a foreign language? Can you draw? Can you write stories? These skills can be learnt and they are transferable, that is, they can be transferred to your work.
⦁ What are your personality traits? For example, do you care about other people? Do you like physical work? Can you handle stress and other emotions? What are your favorite school subjects?
Ask your friends and family what they think about you as well. Now that you have an idea of your talents, skills, and interests, it is time to look at careers that you could be suited to. What you need to do is find out about the different careers, jobs and occupations that require your set of talents and skills, and also satisfy your interests. There are countless careers to choose from, to narrow down your search, you can create a list of the careers that you think you are suitable for.
The next step is to consider the qualifications you need to follow that career. Do you need any degrees? If yes, is a high school degree enough or do you need a vocational or university degree?
When considering your options, remember: your choice will determine your future, including your status in society, the place where you work, satisfaction of your needs, and even your circle of friends.
(Adapted from: )
1. Procure no texto as palavras correspondentes em inglês.
a) objetivos de carreira ______________________
b) talentos e habilidades _____________________
c) trabalhos e profissões _____________________
d) traços de personalidade ____________________
2. Marque as alternativas verdadeiras de acordo com o texto.
a) É sempre fácil determinar os objetivos de nossa carreira.
b) Um questionamento sobre nossos talentos, habilidades e traços de personalidade pode nos ajudar a identificar a carreira que devemos seguir.
c) Habilidades transferíveis são as habilidades que usamos no dia a dia mas que podem ser transferidas para o nosso trabalho.
d) Há poucas opções de carreira no mercado de trabalho.
e) Ao decidirmos sobre nossa carreira é importante considerar que tipo de diploma precisamos para exercer uma determinada profissão.
f) A escolha da carreira tem consequências importantes na vida de uma pessoa, incluindo aspectos não apenas profissionais mas também pessoais.
3. Relacione as palavras sublinhadas com suas traduções.
a) Do you need a vocational or university degree?
b) Do you care about other people?
c) What are your favorite school subjects?
( ) matérias escolares
( ) importar-se com
( ) diploma
4. Complete as frases com as palavras: meaningless, speechless, homeless, toothless, countless, powerless.
a) I don't know what to say. I'm _______________________.
b) I can't understand this sentence. It's __________________ to me.
c) When my grandfather died, he was ______________ but he had a sweet smile.
d) There are ________________ opportunities for those who want to get a qualification. A lot, really!
e) Is there emergency accomodation for single _____________ people in your city?
f) Sorry, but I can't help you. I'm ______________. You need to talk to my boss.
Opa. Tá aqui ↓
Sometimes it is difficult to establish career goals if you are not really sure of what you would like to do. A good way to start your exploration is by asking some questions about yourself:
⦁ What are your talents? These are the things that you are naturally good at, for example: Are you organized? Are you patient? Are you creative?
⦁ What are your skills? These are how you do something, for example: Can you speak a foreign language? Can you draw? Can you write stories? These skills can be learnt and they are transferable, that is, they can be transferred to your work.
⦁ What are your personality traits? For example, do you care about other people? Do you like physical work? Can you handle stress and other emotions? What are your favorite school subjects?
Ask your friends and family what they think about you as well. Now that you have an idea of your talents, skills, and interests, it is time to look at careers that you could be suited to. What you need to do is find out about the different careers, jobs and occupations that require your set of talents and skills, and also satisfy your interests. There are countless careers to choose from, to narrow down your search, you can create a list of the careers that you think you are suitable for.
The next step is to consider the qualifications you need to follow that career. Do you need any degrees? If yes, is a high school degree enough or do you need a vocational or university degree?
When considering your options, remember: your choice will determine your future, including your status in society, the place where you work, satisfaction of your needs, and even your circle of friends.
1. Procure no texto as palavras correspondentes em inglês.
a) objetivos de carreira R: CAREER GOALS
b) talentos e habilidades R: TALENTS AND SKILLS
c) trabalhos e profissões R: WORKS AND PROFESSIONS
d) traços de personalidade R: PERSONALITY TRAITS
2. Marque as alternativas verdadeiras de acordo com o texto.
a) É sempre fácil determinar os objetivos de nossa carreira.
b) Verdadeira: Um questionamento sobre nossos talentos, habilidades e traços de personalidade pode nos ajudar a identificar a carreira que devemos seguir.
c) Verdadeira: Habilidades transferíveis são as habilidades que usamos no dia a dia mas que podem ser transferidas para o nosso trabalho.
d) Há poucas opções de carreira no mercado de trabalho.
e) Verdadeira: Ao decidirmos sobre nossa carreira é importante considerar que tipo de diploma precisamos para exercer uma determinada profissão.
f) Verdadeira: A escolha da carreira tem consequências importantes na vida de uma pessoa, incluindo aspectos não apenas profissionais mas também pessoais.
3. Relacione as palavras sublinhadas com suas traduções. (Vou colocar toda a tradução. (Disponibilizei a tradução também.)
a) Do you need a vocational or university degree?
a) Você precisa de um diploma profissional ou universitário?
b) Do you care about other people?
b) Você se preocupa com outras pessoas?
c) What are your favorite school subjects?
c) Quais são as suas disciplinas escolares favoritas?
(c) matérias escolares
(b) importar-se com
4. Complete as frases com as palavras: meaningless, speechless, homeless, toothless, countless, powerless.
a) I don't know what to say. I'm SPEECHLESS.
b) I can't understand this sentence. It's MEANINGLESS to me.
c) When my grandfather died, he was TOOTHLESS but he had a sweet smile.
d) There are COUNTLESS, opportunities for those who want to get a qualification. A lot, really!
e) Is there emergency accomodation for single HOMELESS people in your city?
f) Sorry, but I can't help you. I'm POWERLESS. You need to talk to my boss.