2. São advérbios que indicam tempo impreciso:
a) first-second-finally
b) already - usually yet
c) someday - longa go/long time ago -recently
d) usually - sometimes - always
Letra C
Advérbios que indicam tempos imprecisos - Usados em situações indefinidas ou em que não é necessário indicar um tempo específico.
Someday: algum dia
We could grab a coffee someday.
Long ago/ long time ago: muito tempo atrás
She was his friend long ago.
Long time ago they were friends.
Ou ainda: long time = it has been a long time since we met (já faz muito tempo que nos conhecemos). Sem o ago, já que o ago indica um tempo passado e o long time sozinho pode ser usado com present perfect.
In the past/ present/ future: no passado, presente ou futuro
In the past, I used to dance.
In the present, I am investing in a new business.
In the future, I intend to buy a house.
Nowadays/Currently/Lately: atualmente ou ultimamente
It has been raining a lot lately.
Nowadays people use their phones to post on instagram.
He is currently working in an industry.
Recently: recentemente
We have met recently.