preciso de uma introdução e conclusão para o meu trabalho sobre WILD ANIMALS AND PETS – animais selvagens e animais de estimação.
Bom eu entendi assim : que e pra gente definir oque e pets e animais selvagens ( desculpa se tiver errado :( ) (e e em inglês )
PETS: pets are magnificent animals that we can raise, feed and take to our home (home) that we can have fun with without hurting ourselves, and they are not illegal to have at home
ANIMALS:now wild animals are totally opposite but you don’t need to have them around, of course they are more dangerous you can end up getting hurt or even dying if you don’t give a certain amount of food or even if you don’t feed it every day you can end up turning the food itself !! and it is also illegal to keep them at home, you need to pay a very high fine up to more than 3 million dollars (or reais) it is not forbidden you can even have it with you :)