• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: fabylsp8wkbp
  • Perguntado 5 anos atrás

1) O uso do futuro pode expressar probabilidade, previsões, arranjos futuros. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma previsão para o futuro.

I’ll answer the phone.

She is going to graduate at the end of the year.

Organisations will become more flexible and transparent.

The plane departs at 10:00.

It is going to be a great party.

2) O texto “Future Jobs: discover the top 10 jobs in demand for the next 10 years” afirma que as profissões de professor, artesão, terapeuta esportivo, comerciantes e engenheiros estão entre aquelas que serão mais procuradas em 10 anos. Com base no exposto, releia o referido texto, avalie as afirmações a seguir e diga se são verdadeiras ou falsas.

In order to accommodate people who are moving to cities we will need more engineers.

Automation won’t influence manual work jobs, so related professionals won’t be necessary.

Artisans will help design local, authentic and specialist products and services.

Sports therapists will help us decide which protein shakes to gulp down.

Robots will substitute for teachers and knowledge will be available just on-line.


Para fazer previsões para o futuro, usamos o modal will. Para saber quais previsões estamos fazendo, precisamos lançar mão de perguntas. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma forma correta de fazer perguntas.

There be manual work jobs will?

What millennials will be interested in?

What will be the most probable in-demand skills?

Which specialist skills will we need to develop?

What products or services we will pay extra for?

O futuro em inglês pode ser expresso pelo modal will, pelo uso do verbo to be + going to e pelo presente simples, dependendo se falamos de previsões, fatos, arranjos. Leia as frases abaixo e preencha a lacuna com a forma apropriada do futuro para os verbos em parênteses. Observe se a frase é afirmativa ou negativa (not). Digite sua resposta no espaço em branco.

There (not be) manual work jobs.

What do I want? I (have) a hot dog, thanks.

I (help) you with your assignment. Don't worry!

She was ok on the phone. We (meet) tomorrow.

The plane (arrive) at noon.


O texto a seguir traz informações sobre o cadastramento/a inscrição em um congresso que ocorrerá em 2021, cujo tema é a prevenção do Covid-19. Leia as informações e preencha as lacunas com base nas opções: a) is; b) must be submitted; c) includes; d) have already registered; e) will include.

All registrations for the IAS COVID-19 Conference: Prevention through the online registration form. Media registration free for qualified individuals who are attending the conference in their capacity as journalists, videographers or community educators.

For those to attend HIVR4P // Virtual:

Individuals and members of the media who for HIVR4P // Virtual, will be automatically registered for the IAS COVID-19 Conference: Prevention, at no additional cost.

To encourage the broadest participation possible in the conference, organizers are offering a two-tiered fee structure with lower registration fees for delegates from upper-middle income countries, lower-middle income countries and low-income countries (based on the World Bank Classification), and students/youth/post-docs. The standard registration fee access to the special, one-day programming
invited-speaker sessions and abstract presentations and more, exclusively dedicated to the COVID-19 pandemic. (https://covid19.iasocie


respondido por: thaiatb


5-) must be submitted


have already registered


will include


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