• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: Evilin1234
  • Perguntado 4 anos atrás

Present Continuous Tense

Affirmative form

I am working.

You are working.

He is working.

She is working.

It is working.

We are working.

They are working.

Interrogative form

Am I working?

Are you working?

Is he working?

Is she working?

Is it working?

Are we working?

Are they working?

O Present Continuous Tense é formado pelo presente do verbo to be (am, is, are), seguido por um verbo acrescido da terminação –ing. Este tempo verbal expressa uma ação que está ocorrendo agora.

Observe> Now, we are studying. ( Agora, estamos estudando.)


Forma-se o gerúndio , em inglês, acrescentando a terminação –ing ao verbo.

play + ing =playing (jogando);

Os verbos terminados em e perdem o e: dance + ing =dancing (dançando);

Alguns verbos dobram a consoante final: run + ing =running (correndo).


1) Escreva os verbos a seguir no gerúndio:

To go: going

a)to take:

b)to sleep:

c)to work:

d)to study:

e)to speak:

f) to sing:

g)to play:

h)to dance:

i)to run:

j) to eat:

2) Marque um (x) na alternativa que preenche as lacunas das frases abaixo de forma correta:

She……………video games.

a)am playing.

b)is playing.

c)are playing.

You…………the piano.

a)am playing.

b)is playing.

c)are playing.


a)am playing.

b)is playing.

c)are playing.

We…………the guitar.

a)am playing.

b)is playing.

c)are playing.

por favor me ajudem


respondido por: dinixxx


1- a) taking

b) sleeping

c) working

d) studying

e) speaking

f) singing

g) playing

h) dancing

i) running

j) eating

2- B




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