2- Regular verbs Inrregular verbs
Collected Met Flew
Painted Went Was
Invented Drove Sang
Stopped Slept Saw
Hugged Thought Became
Jumped Rode Fought
Cried Came
3-a)I: Did Anne play tennis yesterday?
N: Anne didn't play tennis yesterday
b)I: Did your friends eat some hamburguers last night?
N: Your friends didn't eat some hamburguers last night.
c)I: Did Alex and Chris be in Rio in October?
N: Alex and Chris didn't be in Rio in october.
d)I: Did Betina read a whole book yesterday?
N: Betina didn't read a whole book yesterday
4- a)I did't make coffe today!
b) My friends spent the day at home.
c) Wallace gave his mother a beautiful present.
d) Bought the students bought the tickets for the show?
5- Was, called, went, arrived, took, broke, decided, saw, crossed, noticed.