Utilizar conectores indicadores de adição, condição, oposição, contraste, conclusão e síntese como auxiliares na construção da argumentação e intencionalidade discursiva.
Canada has secured the largest vaccine portfolio in the world but has so far failed to get its inoculation programme off the ground, even as it faces the pandemic's third wave.
In December, Canada's Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland announced a C$1bn (£580m) investment in vaccine agreements, ______ this could not work efficiently. Ottawa had secured seven separate vaccine purchase contracts, she said, enough for each Canadian to receive 10 doses, free of charge.
Four months later, Canada is still lagging behind most Western nations in vaccinations. It is currently ranked 44 in global rankings of vaccinations per capita, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
This week, the country welcomed an announcement from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that Pzifer-BioNTech had agreed to accelerate delivery of five million vaccine doses, bringing them forward from late summer up to June.
But the country is now waging war with a surge of new Covid-19 variants which threaten to overwhelm an already strained hospital system. The country has recorded more than 980,080 infections and almost 23,000 deaths.
O texto acima traz uma parte de uma reportagem sobre uma possível nova onda da pandemia e o programa de vacinação no Canadá. Há uma lacuna no texto que devemos completar com um conector de contraste, que no caso seria o
⇒⇒ Connectors - linking words - conjunctions
In December, Canada's Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland announced a C$1bn (£580m) investment in vaccine agreements, but this could not work efficiently. Ottawa had secured seven separate vaccine purchase contracts, she said, enough for each Canadian to receive 10 doses, free of charge.
a) if
b) and
c) but ✅
d) besides
e) because
Alternativa correta letra ''c''
⇒⇒ Conjunctions - linking words - connectors >> São palavras que ligam duas partes de uma oração, para que a sentença faça sentido. Além disso, as conjunções têm a função de explicar, contrastar, exemplificar ou unir duas ou mais frases.
I wanted to call you. I don’t have your cellphone number.
Usando a conjunção, as duas frases ficam ligadas.
I wanted to call you but I don’t have your cellphone number.
You won't be late if you wake up earlier.
John cannot drive but he wants to buy a car.
We will not have English class today because our teacher is sick.
→→ Contrast - Contraste >> although, but, despite, on the other hand
We went to the movies last night although it was snowing.
Nós fomos ao cinema ontem à noite embora estivesse nevando.
Liz woke up at 7am but she couldn't take the school bus.
Liz acordou as 7 da manhã, mas não conseguiu pegar o ônibus escolar.
I am not good in Math. On the other hand, I am pretty good in History.
Eu não sou bom em matemática. Por outro lado, eu sou muito bom em história.
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