Usa-se o Simple Past para falar de ações passadas que
ocorreram num momento determinado. Expressões de
tempo podem ser empregadas tais como: yesterday, last
night, last week, one year ago e etc.
Quais das sentenças abaixo não se encaixam segundo o
Simple Past?
a ) we had lunch at home yestrday
b ) my parents traveled tô África two years Ago
c ) what did you do last night ?
d ) John Will be here next week
e ) the music wasn't Very good
⇒⇒ Simple past
a ) We had lunch at home yesterday. ⇔ simple past
b ) My parents traveled to Africa two years ago. ⇔ simple past
c ) What did you do last night ? ⇔ simple past
d ) John will be here next week. ⇔ SIMPLE FUTURE √
e ) The music wasn't very good. ⇔ simple past
Alternativa letra ''d'' INCORRETA
⇒⇒ Simple past >> tempo verbal que indica algo que aconteceu no passado e não está mais acontecendo no presente. A maioria dos verbos, em inglês, são regulares, ou seja, terminam em ''ed'' quando estão no passado.
visit >>> visited
watch >>> watched
work >>> worked
David worked a lot last week.
The kids played video game on Sunday.
Interrogative (did + sujeito + verbo forma original)
Did you visit your parents last Saturday?
Did they watch TV last night?
Negative (did + not + verbo forma original) >> did not = didn't
Susan didn't wash her car last Sunday
I didn't study for the tests.
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