• Matéria: Português
  • Autor: rosimaram44
  • Perguntado 5 anos atrás

ng smaller
True or False
Escreva (V) verdadeira ou (F) falso para cada sentença a seguir
) Human activities are causing climate change,
b. uming coal gas and oil increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the planet's
) There is no evidence that the Earth's climate is changing,
) People, plants, and animals are causing the heat.
) The number of severe storms and droughts is melting
) We have a moral obligation to force the emissions of CO2
) One of the ways of stopping global warming is investing in clean energy.
) We are all contributors to global warming and we all need to be part of the solution​


respondido por: josylenelimanascimen


c vedadeira


There is no evidence that the Earth's climate is changing,

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