• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: cafeinamaluca44
  • Perguntado 5 anos atrás

1 passe para o negativo em ingles de forma abreviada
I was here
she was at home
he was at the bank
it was my dog
she was my friend
we were at the supermarket
they were friends


respondido por: camilevictoria1908

Oiie, tudo bem?


1) I was here.

R= I wasn't here.

T= Eu não estava aqui.

2) She was at home.

R= She wasn't at home.

T= Ela não estava em casa.

3) He was at the bank.

R= He wasn't at the bank.

T= Ele não estava no banco.

4) It was my dog

R= It wasn't my dog.

T= Ele não era meu cachorro.

5) She was my friend.

R= She wasn't my friend.

T= Ela não era minha amiga.

6) We were at the supermarket.

R= We weren't at the supermarket.

T= Nós não estávamos no supermercado.

7) They were friends.

R= They weren't friends.

T= Eles não eram amigos.


Para a forma negativa, nós usamos o NOT.

Quando usamos a forma abreviada do NOT, nós escrevemos o auxiliar e colocamos o n't.

Was = Wasn't (wasN'T)

Were = Weren't (wereN'T)


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