• Matéria: História
  • Autor: dudaserranosantos
  • Perguntado 4 anos atrás

4) Povo que vale escravisade para Brasil, mas tex historiaa
principalmente na Bahia?

a)Os Tupis;
b)Os Jês;
c) Os Português;
d) Os Lorubás;​


respondido por: lucieneresende7


eu acho que e a (b)


África, povo iorubá, candomblé, política externa, cooperação Sul-Sul.


This article reflects upon the fluxes and refluxes between Brazil and the mythical Africa of Yoruban matrix. Methodology will include sociology of actors and post-colonial readings – interpretations of social relations that helped establish the dialectic links between the actors, structures and institutions at play. Throughout the text we will use academic and literary reports by intellectuals of human sciences who, over the last century, established these transits between Brazil and Yoruban Africa, with special attention for the participation of Martiniano Eliseu do Bonfim, Pierre Verger and Agostinho da Silva. In place of drawing conclusions, we analyze the contemporary conjecture of the South-South cooperation in light of an event in which Brazil was invited to support Yoruban cultural preservation in Africa with the safeguard of Oyo historical site, that is, the mythical kingdom of King Shango.

dudaserranosantos: ok
dudaserranosantos: obg
lucieneresende7: tinada
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