• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: ADAGLER
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

grammar indefinite pronouns and derivatives


respondido por: GildaFontes

ANOTHER (singular) > uma coisa ou pessoa adicional ou diferente
* That ice-cream was good. Can I have another?
ANYBODY/ANYONE (singular) > qualquer pessoa 
* Can anyone answer this question?
ANYTHING (singular) > qualquer coisa
* The doctor needs to know if you have eaten anything in the last two hours.
EACH (singular) > cada um de entre 2 ou mais pessoas ou coisas, considerados separadamente
* Each has his own thoughts.
EITHER (singular) > uma ou outra de 2 pessoas ou coisas 
* Do you want tea or coffee? / I don't mind. Either is good for me.
ENOUGH (singular) > basta/bastante tanto quanto for necessário
* Enough is enough!
EVERYBODY/EVERYONE (singular) > toda a gente
* We can start the meeting because everybody has arrived.
EVERYTHING (singular) > tudo
* They have nothing. They lost everything in the earthquake.
LESS (singular) > menos
* Less than before is what they've got now.
LITTLE (singular) > uma quantidade pequena
* Little is known about his early life.
MUCH (singular) > uma grande quantidade  
* Much has happened since we met.
NEITHER (singular) > nem um nem outro de 2 pessoas ou coisas
* I keep telling Jack and Jill but neither believes me.
NOBODY (singular) > ninguém
* I phoned many times but nobody answered.
NOTHING (singular) > nada, nenhuma coisa
* If you don't know the answer it's best to say nothing.
ONE (singular) > uma pessoa não identificada
* Can one smoke here? (Se pode fumar aqui?)
* All the students arrived but now one is missing.
OTHER (singular) > pessoa ou coisa diferente da mencionada anteriormente
* One was tall and the other was short.
SOMEBODY/SOMEONE (singular) > pessoa deconhecida ou não identificada
* Clearly somebody murdered him. It was not suicide.
SOMETHING (singular) > coisa deconhecida ou não identificada
* Listen! I just heard something! What could it be?
YOU (singular) > pessoa não identificada (informal)
* And you can see why. (= e se percebe por quê.)

(plural) > 2 pessoas ou coisas consideradas como juntas
* John likes coffee but not tea. I think both are good.
FEW (plural) > pequeno número de pessoas ou coisas
* Few have ever disobeyed him and lived.
FEWER (plural) > número reduzido de pessoas ou coisas
* Fewer are smoking these days.
MANY (plural) > grande número de pessoas ou coisas
* Many have come already.
OTHERS (plural) > outras pessoas que não nós
* I'm sure that others have tried before us.
SEVERAL (plural) > mais do que dois , mas não muitos
* They all complained and several left the meeting.
THEY (plural) > pessoas no geral (informal)
* They say that vegetables are good for you.

ALL (singular/plural) > tudo, todos pessoas ou coisas
* All is forgiven.
* All have arrived.
ANY (singular/plural) > qualquer/quaisquer
* Is any left?
* Are any coming?
MORE (singular/plural) > quantidade maior de alguma coisa ou de pessoas
* There is more over there.
* More are coming.
MOST (singular/plural) > a maioria, quase tudo/todos
* Most is lost.
* Most have refused.
NONE (singular/plural) > nenhum/nenhuns (pessoas ou coisas)
* They fixed the water so why is none coming out of the tap?
* I invited five friends but none have (ou has) come.
SOME (singular/plural) > quantidade não especificada de pessoas ou coisas
* Here is some.
* Some have arrived.
SUCH (singular/plural) > algo do tipo previamente mencionado
* He was a foreigner and he felt that he was treated as such.
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